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Grammatical Interfaces in HPSG cover

Grammatical Interfaces in HPSG

edited by Ronnie Cann, Claire Grover, and Philip Miller

This collection of recent work in Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar focuses on interfaces between different grammatical components. The constraint-based formalism of HPSG and its specification of well-formed signs means that all grammatical information is encoded in a single feature structure. This provides the means for constructing elegant accounts of interactions between linguistic information at different levels, whether prosodic, morphological, syntactic, semantic or pragmatic. The fifteen papers in this volume explore interface phenomena in one way or another within HPSG with respect to a range of constructions and languages and between various grammatical components. The following topics are addressed: the relationship between constituent structure and prosodic phrasing both in English and in Japanese, the prosodic effects of pragmatically conditioned noun incorporation in Danish, auxiliary contraction in English, pronominal affixation in European Portuguese, the morpho-syntax of relative clauses in Lai, syntactic and semantic aspects of Korean relative clause formation, the analysis of illocutionary force in HPSG, the semantics and pragmatics of tense, the role of argument structure at the syntax-semantics interface with respect to German word-order, Dutch R-pronouns and Spanish psychological predicates, long-distance case assignment and negation in Welsh.

Ronnie Cann is a senior lecturer in the department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, University of Edinburgh. Claire Grover is a research fellow in the Division of Informatic, University of Edinburgh. Philip Miller is a professor of linguistics at the University of Lille and is director of the SILEX research laboratory of the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique.


  • Contributors
  • Introduction
    Ronnie Cann, Claire Grover and Philip Miller
  • 1 Incorporation in Danish: Implications for Interfaces
    Ash Asudeh and Line Hove Mikkelson
  • 2 Incorporating Contracted Auxiliaries in English
    Emily M. Bender and Ivan A. Sag
  • 3 Negation in Colloqial Welsh
    Robert D. Boresley and Bob Morris Jones
  • 4 Argument Realization and Duth R-Pronouns: Solving Bech's Problem without Movement or Deletion
    Gosse Bouma
  • 5 Syntactic Transparency of Pronominal Affixes
    Berthold Crysmann
  • 6 From Argument Raising to Dependent Raising
    Kordula De Kuthy and W. Detmar Meurers
  • 7 The Nature of Pragmatic Information
    Georgia M. Green
  • 8 The Morphosyntax of Lai Relative Clauses
    Andreas Kathol
  • 9 Grammatic Interfaces in Korean Relatives
    Jong-Bok Kim and Byung-Soo Park
  • 10 Prosodic Constituency in HPSG
    Ewan Klein
  • 11 A Head-Driven Account of Long-Distance Case
    Robert Malouf
  • 12 German Particle Verbs and the Predicate Complex
    Stefan Müller
  • 13 A Constraint-Based Semantics for Tenses and Temporal Auxiliaries
    Frank Van Eynde
  • 14 Spanish Psychological Predicates Complex
    Carl Vogel and Begoña Villada
  • 15 A Bistratal Approach to the Prosody-Syntax Interfaces Japanese
    Kei Yoshimoto
  • Subject Index
  • Name Index


ISBN (Paperback): 1575863146 (9781575863146)
ISBN (Cloth): 1575863138 (9781575863139)
ISBN (Electronic): 1575869950 (9781575869957)

Subject: Linguistics; Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar (HPSG)

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Chicago Press

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